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Reproduction of artworks

The Bata Shoe Museum’s virtual exhibition contains images of various artworks, the majority of which are protected by copyright. To ensure full protection of these rights, the Musée requests that users not reproduce any of the posted images for any uses other than fair dealing as provided under the Copyright Act (notably for the purpose of private study, research or education). In such cases, the Musée requests that users fully credit the work (artist’s name, the title of the work and any other indications). Any reproduction for uses other than fair dealing as provided under the Copyright Act is strictly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Musée. Any modification to an image likely to compromise the integrity of the artwork (such as cropping the image, adding extraneous elements or altering colours) is prohibited.

The Musée may not be held responsible for any third-party use of images drawn from its virtual exhibition that would contravene any copyright legislation.

Virtual exhibition content

Any and all types of documents contained within this site, including but not limited to texts, compilations, images, videos, audio or multimedia material, and logos used by the Bata Shoe Museum and its partners, are protected by Canada’s Copyright Act and by international conventions. Unless otherwise indicated, copyright applies to all documents accessible on this website.

Any other use or reproduction of this virtual exhibition, in any way, shape or form, including downloading, publication, reproduction on another site, Internet posting or use for public or commercial purposes, is strictly forbidden without prior consent from the Musée.